
[ Skins built ]
'YouAreMinecraft' was about constructing an oversized statue of your player's avatar in game.
This was not yet another Minecraft server. It was an event where the server has been just one part of it. And it was lasting only for some weeks.
87,616 peopled joined the project and built their counterpart beside Minecraft players from all over the world, hopefully resulting in the most amazing avatar avenue ever seen.
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Because they are a fan and supporters of one of the most innovative games of all times. This game has revealed how much undiscovered creativity lies in all of us. For hours and hours caverns were explored, zombies slaughtered and blocks combined to build structures of all kind. Countless videos on YouTube, multiplayer servers and communities point out the great success of Minecraft.
It was time to unite and to enable a so far unseen Minecraft project. Much players took their chance and joined 'YouAreMinecraft' and met players from around the globe in a personal way...
But what were they going to build? The most personal thing every player is associated with in Minecraft - their avatar!
Skins built: 87,616
The event is over. View the Livemap.
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If you need support, feel free to contact us.
page made by: Kreativ&Söhne
technical stuff managed by: SN-Plus |
YouAreMinecraft is hosted in Germany.
So, we need to have this in german.
imprint | privacy
What am I not allowed to build?
- No politics, no religion, no advertising, no URLs, no Youtube channels, nothing sexual, no racism, nothing monumental (this means no huge boxes around the skins, no walls (including water) behind, beside or in front them), avoid building above heads (especially no signs), no gore, nothing else than skins or avatars (no houses etc.)
and Hitler/Nazi skins are lame, too.
We will delete inappropriate skins. They can be reported by using the /report command ingame
What's the server's adress?
- it is If you've got connection problems, use the IP instead (
Do I have to save my built avatar?
- No. Just leave the server and tell your friends.
It's all fully automated by some really 1337-y Bukkit Plugins developed by ourselves.
The skin on my building site does not look like my skin.
- That's correct. It's just a default skin you can modify.
Can I reposition my avatar?
- No. Call for an admin who will delete it for you. After that, you can rebuild it anywhere else.
Am I allowed to place water, lava or redstone?
- Yes, you are. Note: Physics, redstone and growing are disabled.
Can I build more than one skin?
- No. One skin per Minecraft account.
What will happen after the event has ended?
- We will give the map to Mojang as a present (By the way: We need some help with that).
Will the map be available for download?
- Yes, it will. We will give you the map bundled with our server software to avoid floating water and lava and fire spread.
When will I be able to download the map?
- When it's done ;)
When will this event end?
- On May, 19th.
Why can't I read all the chat messages?
- You can only see all chat messages written by players 150 blocks around you. That's because the chat will rush too fast for you when the server is full.
I can't connect with message: "User not Premium"
- You can solve this problem by buying Minecraft instead of pirating it.
Where's the server hosted at and what are the specs?
- It's a root machine, hosted at a huge hosting service. It has got 2 Xeon CPUs with 4 Cores each, 24 GB of RAM, SSD RAID and a 10 GBit network connection.
Placing a torch/redstone on a block and removing the block will leave the torch in place.
- That's correct. Every block or item will stay until you break it. Even torches, redstone or signs.
Redstone does not work.
- That's correct. Performance issues.